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Maths mock test || Math mock test in hindi


The Maths Mock Test cover all the topics of Maths including necessary methodologies and the theoretic parts of the Maths chapters like LCM, HCF, Divisibility Rule, Simple Interest, Ratio and so on mock test which will help the students to easily understand the any topic well.

Language - Hindi & English
Language - Hindi & English
Language - Hindi & English
Language - Hindi & English
Language - Hindi & English
Language - Hindi & English

Why Take this Maths mock test?

  • In this Maths Mock Test, you will get a collection of important questions for competitive exams, so that you can perform better in any Maths competitive exam.
  • This Maths mock test has been prepared by experts. Math Online Test is updated from time to time keeping in mind the current and upcoming exams. So Mathematics Test Series will act as a successful guide for your success.
  • In this online maths exam (math ka question ) All the lessons of Maths have been implemented one by one so that the student does not remain weak in any portion of Maths.
  • This Maths mock test is available in both Hindi and English languages ​​so that candidates can easily understand the questions in their own language. This is also one of the reasons why more people give the test to Maths online test.

About Maths mock test - Let's Beat your Mathematics Exam through Math Online test.

Many Maths mcq questions for competitive exams have been included in this maths mock test. Let us know about the overview of Maths online test test: As we all know that Mathematics has an important place in almost all the examinations, if the preparation of Mathematics is not done in a systematic way then it is very difficult to succeed in Mathematics. But in today's time the competition has become so high that it is necessary not only to succeed but also to earn a better score. Keeping this in view, this Maths Mock Test has been prepared which can boost your Maths preparation.

Features of TestCopy.IN Maths mock test :

Let us know about this Maths online exam mock test: You will find many tests on this page which are completely free of cost.
  • All the tests are based on the latest pattern.
  • You can get the explanatory solutions to all the questions in the Maths test by clicking the "Solutions" button after submitting the test.
  • At the time of starting the test, you will see an instruction to take an online test, which will be similar to the exam, read it so that you can know the instructions about the test.
  • You can search Maths mock/online test in Google with the following keywords: "math mock test in hindi" OR "math online test in hindi" OR "math quiz in hindi"

Maths mock test - Frequently asked Questions (FAQ's)

Which topics are covered in this test?

The Maths Mock Test cover all the topics of Maths including necessary methodologies and the theoretic parts of the Maths chapters like LCM, HCF, Divisibility Rule, Simple Interest, Ratio and so on mock test which will help the students to easily understand the any topic well.

How many times can candidates attempt the Maths test?

There is no any limit to Attempt Maths online mock test in Hindi/English. This test can be attempt multiple according to candidate wish.

What is the difficulty level of Mathematics online test?

The difficuly Level of Maths mock test is lower to Higher. The main purpose of keeping the level of the test from lower to higher is that the candidate should practice Maths test well and solve all the questions.

Is this maths exam mock test based on current new syllabus and latest pattern?

Yes, All the maths mock tests are made based on current new syllabus and latest exam pattern.

Will we get the solution of our mock test after giving the maths test?

Yes, you will get an explanatory solution for each question when you submit the test.

Will solving Maths Exam test series be sufficient to testify the preparation?

No, mock test only is not the better option to take the exam because you know that it is not possible to give the test without us having knowledge about the subject. Because when the information is not complete then you will have problem in understanding the questions. So you need to practice both test series and chapter tests.

How is the Maths Exam Mock test useful?

By giving you Maths mock test, you get the practice of the main exam and the information about the questions coming in it, so that you can easily get salt in the main exam. Giving online test helps you to understand the real exam.

Which topics of maths are covered in Maths mock test?

SIMPLIFICATION सरलीकरण APPROXIMATION - PERCENTAGE प्रतिशत -PROFIT, LOSS AND DISCOUNT - लाभ हानि और बट्टा - SI AND CI - Simple Intrest & Compound Intrest साधारण ब्याज और चक्रवर्द्धि ब्याज - RATIO AND PROPRTION अनुपात एवं समानुपात - MIXTURE AND ALLIGATION - मिश्रण - ORDER AND RANKING - PARTNERSHIP - TIME AND WORK - कार्य और समय - PIPE AND CISTERN - नल और टँकी - SPEED TIME AND DISTANCE - समय दूरी और चाल - TRAIN, BOAT & STREAM - रेल नाव और धारा - PERMUTATION AND COMBINATION - PROBABILITY - प्रायिकता - MENSURATION - क्षेत्रमिति - NUMBER SERIES संख्या पद्धति DATA SUFFICIENCY - Trigonometry त्रिकोणमिति - Height & Distance ऊंचाई और दूरी - Algebra बीजगणित - Circle वृत - triangle त्रिभुज - rectangle आयत - square वर्ग - cylinder बेलन - radius त्रिज्या, etc.

For which exams, Maths mock test can prove to be effective?

Maths online test in hindi/english for all exams which contains questions from maths. So these mock tests will help you in SSC CGL , CHSL , MTS , GATE , PTET , REET , CCC , RSCIT , PATWARI , HIGH COURT GROUP D , RAJASTHAN SI , AIRFORCE , NAVY , ARMY , NDA , UPSC CDS , CTET , RRB NTPC , RRB GROUP D, RRB JE, SSC CHSL, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, SSC CPO, IBPS PO, DRDO MTS, DRMC, CIL, LIC Assistant Mains and other exams which include Mathematics subject.
1) Bank Exam Preparation: IBPS PO, SBI PO, RBI Assistant, SBI Clerk, IBPS Clerk & other Bank Exams.
2) SSC Exam Preparation: SSC CGL, MTS, CPO, CHSL
3) Railway Exam : RRB NTPC, RRB ALP, RRC Group D & other RRB Exams
4) Police Exam Preparation: UP Police , MP Police Constable, Bihar Police Constable, Rajasthan Police, Delhi Police, Haryana Police परीक्षा
5) Insurance Exam Preparation: LIC AAO, ESIC, OICL, NICL AO, UIIC AO, NIACL AO & others
6) Regulatory Body Exams: RBI, SEBI, NABARD
7) State-wise Govt Job Exams - Rajasthan Exams, UP Exams, MP Exams, Bihar Exams and Haryana Exams others

8) EPFO Exam Preparation - UPSC EPFO Enforcement Officer (EO), EPFO Assistant 
9) NRA CET Exam - Common Eligibility Test for IBPS, SSC & Railway Recruitments
11) Defence Exams : Airforce X group, Airforce Y group, Airforce XY group, Navy, Army Clerk, Army GD 
12) Teaching Related Exams: BSTC, PTET, REET, B.ED
13) Computer Related Exams: CCC, RSCIT 
14) Rajasthan State Exams: RPSC, REET, Rajasthan SI, Rajasthan Patwari, Rajasthan Constable, Rajasthan High Court

What is test series and what are its benefits?

The test series also provides ample amount of practice to the student, so their speed to solve the questions automatically increases. Attempting test series increases the knowledge of the subject which makes it easier for the candidate to crack the examinations.
Increase Confidence – It helps in improving performance and increasing confidence in the students. It helps in removing their exam fear and anxiety.

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